Sunday, August 9, 2015

Passionate Hate

Everyone has that ONE person that they can't stand to be near. The one that makes your eye twitch whenever they speak, it could be a man or a woman. It could be a relative or a coworker. The thing about passionately disliking someone is the word "passionate". There is a reaction in your body that turns your blood warm whenever you are near that particular person.

Let's climb between the sheets, so to speak, shall we?

There is a man. His personality rubs you the wrong way. He tells jokes that you don't find funny, he has a way of speaking that makes you want to gouge your ear drums out. When he looks at you, you see he has a very similar reaction to you. Enemies are born.

You take every opportunity to pick at each other, trying to see who can score the most verbal knockouts. You glare at each other in the break room, you avoid one another during office meetings. And then it happens...

A large group of your co-workers decide to go see a movie. Maybe it's 50 Shades of Grey? Maybe it's something fun such as Spy, but either way, it's a group and it's going to be in a dark theater. You make plans to sit as far away from the snarky man as you can because there is no way you two could be near one another for two hours without some sort of blow up.

So the night arrives. You remind your co-workers about their agreement to keep you away from the man. You have to remind yourself to keep the verbal blows at a minimum so as not to ruin the evening for the entire group. You arrive at the theater a bit late, everyone has already grabbed their snacks and found the seating, you rush in bypassing the concession stand, your ticket already in hand. 50 Shades is what everyone had decided on. You practically run down the aisle to find your group and when you do your heart stops.

The entire theater is just about full. The group took up one whole row, and you notice that the only seats available were at the top corner. And no one seems to be going up there. He is sitting up there, his eyes meet yours and your blood runs warm. You lean down to talk to Susan.

"I can't go up there! You guys promised you wouldn't pair me up with him tonight!" Susan looked at you with pity.

"I'm sorry, hon, but you were late, we really didn't even think you were coming." You sigh deeply and consider going home. "We are meeting up for dinner after the movie at the little Italian place on the corner."

You know you are going to have to sit up there with him. You and him. Alone. In a dark theater in a corner. It's almost too much for you to bear, but you don't want to seem like an crazy girl to your peers. You stand up, smooth your hands down the skirt of your sun dress and slowly climb to the top of the theater. For a brief moment you see what looks like satisfaction on the man's face but you know that couldn't possibly be true. There is no way this night would be satisfying for anyone.

You move down the aisle and stand next to him. "Can you move one over, please?"

He shakes his head slowly. "No, but you can sit near the wall." With that he stands up to give you room to squeeze by him. You start to squeeze by him and then pause as you realize your body is now flush against his. Your breasts flattened against his chest, your thighs against his as the seat behind you gives little room to wiggle past. His hands come up and grab you around your arms helping you by. You start to move again, your breasts drag across his chest and you feel your nipples bead.

Warmth pools in your stomach and you know that your passionate hatred has just turned into something else. Something far more disturbing. You want him. You want his body pressed against yours. You want his lips plundering yours. You want to feel his hands on your skin and you want it fast and rough. Very much like your relationship. You realize your heart is thundering, your body is taut, and you glance over and notice that he is looking at you. Your eyes meet and he reaches over and lays his hand on your thigh. You don't push him away, instead you slide down into your seat. You watch as he starts to pull the hem of your dress up, exposing your knees.

The lights go down as the movie starts to play. The hem eases up a little further and your thighs become exposed.

What will you allow this an to do? Will you stop him? Will you fall into a passionate love affair with him? Giving him access to your body is tempting and you want to take that plunge, but where will it lead you?

The thing about love affairs, my darlings, is that the more tempestuous and the more passionate, the hotter it burns. The harder it will fall apart...if you allow it. So think about that one person you hate. Is it hate? Is it real and true hate? Or does all that heat you generate between each other mean something completely different.

The ball is your court.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I'm Sexy and I Know It

There used to be a stigma about age. Once you hit a certain age you weren't considered beautiful or sexy any longer, but today's women have changed that stigma. You CAN be sexy and beautiful at age 20...or age 60. When you look at what women have to offer it's more than a perfect body or a smooth face. It's about substance. It's about confidence. It's about walking into a room and OWNING yourself.

Here are a few of my favorite sexy older ladies.

1. Helen Mirren. The woman is GORGEOUS. She is statuesque and she controls her body like a dancer. She literally floats as she moves. Not only that, but she is totally BAD ASS in Red and Red 2. I love her. She shows that you don't have to be 20 to be a gorgeous woman. Take note, ladies!

2. Jamie Lee Curtis. OMG, What can you NOT love about this woman? Her hair is a gorgeous shade of gray, her body is shapely and she is so tall and gorgeous you can't stop watching her in a movie. She's a show stopper, she takes control and makes you want to follow her anywhere. She was a welcome addition to the Veronica Mars movie and I LOVE her in anything she takes on.

There are SCORES of other lovely ladies of age! Diane Keaton, Meryl Streep,Goldie Hawn, Susan Sarandon, the list goes on and on. So do NOT think for one minute because you are a bit older you are no longer sexy. There is a whole scene of men who look at ladies like you and LOVE YOU. 

Now for a FUN video I watched and loved, you will too.


Sunday, July 6, 2014


Enter to win a $10 Amazon Gift card AND a digital copy of both "A Chance at Paradise" AND "Sugar" in the format of your choice! All you have to do is follow the instructions below. GOOD LUCK!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, June 20, 2014

Something Silent

I have this spot outside of my house. It's an odd spot, between my house and the neighbors. I take the dogs out and I sit here as they do their business, and during the day it's a quick visit in the hot sun.

But at night it's a soothing view of the heavens. I sit there and I look up at the clear sky a the stars as they twinkle at me. Life is a fight. You fight to make ends meet. You fight for the ones you love. You fight to survive. But when I sit there and I stare up at the velvety dark night everything feels so small, so inconsequential. I know that it's all worth it, that there is a purpose.

I feel the pain, shame and fight seep out of my body and I relax. I found this special place quite by accident. It's silent. Everything falls into place and my brain quiets down. Sometimes I find myself humming nonsense, sometimes I say a quick prayer. But no matter what I'm always happier when I come in for the night.

Do you have somewhere special that relaxes you?

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Early Morning After

He left you standing on the porch. Your body feeling ravaged, your hair a mess, and your skin sensitized. You feel the warm summer breeze against the bare skin of your shoulders. The skirt of your strapless dress flutters against your legs.

You watch as his tail lights disappear down the street and you smile softly to yourself. The pre-dawn darkness swallowing the car as it gets further away. He is leaving now, but you know he will be back. Time always has a way of pulling the two of you together.

You walk back into your house and shut the door, your dog nudges your thigh and reach down to pat her on the head. You enter your room with her trailing behind you as you strip the bed before tossing the sheets in the washer.

You run your hand through your hair as you enter your bathroom. You fill the tub with water and light some scented candles. As you sink down into the hot water you feel your sore muscles begin to relax. You pull your hair up into a knot and lean back against the tub, closing your eyes. As you drift away you remember the look on his face as he kissed you goodbye.

Yes, he will be back. He always comes back.

Do you have someone you are drawn to even though you are not technically good together? Something about your personalities just click.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Tearing Petals - Part 2

Anna ran her hands through the hot water around her hips as she smiled idly at the memory of Vivian staring at her aghast as she watched her new room-mate swell up like a leaking mess. That had been the first time Anna had ever had her welts break open. The only time. Until today that is. She reached up and trailed the water over her body, hoping to bring peace, but all it did was cause the stinging sensation to intensify. Anna sighed deeply as she stood, water sluicing down her body, she felt heavy and she was starting to wheeze a bit. She knew she may have to go the hospital this time.

Anna stepped one foot out of the tub and felt herself slip. Oh, God, she thought before hitting the floor, they are going to find me naked.

She opened her eyes what felt like moments later, her head throbbed. She reached up to her head and winced at the pain. Her hand came away red. Blood. Great, now she had no choice but to go the hospital.

She slowly got to her feet, being very careful so as not to sleep again. James lived next door to her. They each had a key to each other's apartment and she knew he was home, he had to. Anna glanced at the clock. It was getting later, she pulled on some sweat pants and a thinning t-shirt forgoing underwear as it would be massively uncomfortable.

Anna's image in the mirror did nothing to quiet the panic inside of her. Her face was beyond recognition. Her lip had swollen four times its normal size, she had one eye that had swollen completely shut and the other had a very heavy eye lid. She had a welt across her chin and her cheek. Even her nose looked misshapen. She had blood smeared on the left side of her head where she had fallen. She looked frightful.

The wheezing was getting worse; she was literally gasping for breath. She pulled on her bedroom slippers and shuffled her way out of her apartment carrying nothing but her phone and house key. Once Anna was outside of Jame's apartment she reached out to try the doorknob and frowned when it easily turned in her hand. Which was odd, as James typically locked the door behind him always. He was weirdly fanatical about it.

She pushed the door open and noticed his clothes strewn on the floor in his entry way. She followed the clothing, notching other articles of clothing that weren't his intermingled. She felt sick to her stomach as she reached the bedroom door. It wasn't fully. She could hear whispers and giggles coming through. Her stomach knotting, she reached out one swollen, blood smeared hand and pushed the door open.

Tears running down her cheeks, setting her raw, blistered flesh ablaze she look at her boyfriend. Her sweet, sincere, loyal boyfriend laying in bed with another woman. All Anna could really see was blond hair and tanned legs intertwined with Jame's own pale thighs. His eyes met hers and widened in horror. The woman also must have noticed Anna standing there as she began to shriek. Unconvincingly. Anna turned and ran for the door. She heard fumbling behind her as James came after her, calling her name.

She stumbled out of his apartment and to the elevator, when the doors shut she saw James running towards her clutching a sheet around his waist. Anna gasped as her stomach roiled. She looked at her phone. Only one person would come to get her at this moment.

She hit send on the phone. “Vivian,” her voice thick with emotion, “ I need to go the hospital.”



Sunday, June 1, 2014

Newly Released: A Chance at Paradise Only .99!

There is a huge story behind the story A Chance at Paradise but it's very boring. Needless to say this is a 40k word novel that is brand new for you to read!
What happens when passion and duty collide? Raiden Kei is a hard working husband and father. Every day he is thankful that he has escaped the poverty of his youth. He sits across from a wife he barely knows and feels the weight of monotony heavy on his shoulders. Then one day she walks in and turns his world upside down. Her blond hair fell perfectly. Her scent was intoxicating. When he touched her his body awoke. For the first time Raiden feels the hot flood of passion...
Pretty Tiffany Carrington. Poor little rich girl. Tiffany always does what is expected of her. The finest schools, the best grades, the most beautiful clothes. Even the way she wears her hair is dictated to her by her mother. Nothing is ever her choice. One pedicure changes all of that. Sure, Raiden is older, but something about his touch, his scent...the way his dark hands glide across her flesh. She will risk everything to break the bounds of her gilded cage and hold this man in her arms. And in her heart forever.

From a darkened nail salon to a beautiful Hawaiian paradise, Raiden and Tiffany fight to stay together. Passion knows no bounds as lust overtakes the pair. A couple so madly in love that they escape the obligations of their lives. Happiness is changing everything that was ever expected of you. Tradition be damned. Responsibility is just another word for the hell that each of them has found themselves living in, where their feelings are dampened and love is a four letter word.

As Tiffany and Raiden find ecstasy in the bedroom, they let go of their old life and embrace a future together. A future where love can conquer all.

But will the threat of duty pull them apart?

Try it out! The story line is a bit...different...then I've written in the past but I do hope you like it! I priced it at .99 so my readers can nab it for a good price! Available only for Kindle at this time. Pick up A Chance at Paradise today!

Please leave a review if you do purchase it or shoot me an email and tell me what you think!