Friday, June 20, 2014

Something Silent

I have this spot outside of my house. It's an odd spot, between my house and the neighbors. I take the dogs out and I sit here as they do their business, and during the day it's a quick visit in the hot sun.

But at night it's a soothing view of the heavens. I sit there and I look up at the clear sky a the stars as they twinkle at me. Life is a fight. You fight to make ends meet. You fight for the ones you love. You fight to survive. But when I sit there and I stare up at the velvety dark night everything feels so small, so inconsequential. I know that it's all worth it, that there is a purpose.

I feel the pain, shame and fight seep out of my body and I relax. I found this special place quite by accident. It's silent. Everything falls into place and my brain quiets down. Sometimes I find myself humming nonsense, sometimes I say a quick prayer. But no matter what I'm always happier when I come in for the night.

Do you have somewhere special that relaxes you?

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